自分の軸をつくる 他の軸をしる    Respect yourself and others.

フェアレイクスのご提案 Our Proposal

研修運営: 充実のコンテンツをお客様に合わせてカスタマイズしご提供いたします。講師は長年の社会経験を有し独自のファシリテーション手法で展開いたします。
Kensyu(Seminar): We provide customized contents tailored to your needs. Instructors have many years of social experience and conduct courses with unique facilitation method.

ご支援: コンサルティング、アドバイジング、ファシリテーションにより必要な情報を必要な場所へご提案いたします。長年の知見、ネットワークを提供いたします。
Management Support: We provide the necessary information to the necessary locations through consulting, advising and facilitation.

多面的視点を持つために是非していただきたいこと   Make your own multifaceted perspective

You can’t ignore any risk in the workplace. Identify your job risks and prepare risk mitigation. Risk view is necessary.

It is important to carry out the problem-solving process by using the optimal tools. Master the “various judgment axes” to fit each process.

Once you understand vertical thinking, which is a logical structure, the next step is to have “horizontal thinking” that draws out countermeasures in many aspects.